assign lake formation tags permissions to users


i am trying to get give lake formation tag to user /role ,like how we give the same to the data catalog

2 Answers


could you please review this blog post and see if the step by step guide helps you ?

If you had already go through that blog post and you are having issues, could you please provide a more specific question?

hope this helps

answered 2 years ago

we are lookin for the AWS::LakeFormation::PrincipalPermissions its working with database and table i want make this with AWS::LakeFormation::PrincipalPermissions my vision of logic is in whihui i want to see that database and user and lf tags ina aws lake formation permisssion AWS::LakeFormation::PrincipalPermissions is worlin with databases and table when i put t the lake formation tags is added its not working

answered 2 years ago

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