Unable to reach site a second time


Hi everyone,

I've created an EC2 instance to test out this tutorial i found https://aws.amazon.com/tutorials/deploy-wordpress-with-amazon-rds/

I accessed the webpage via the DNS name, and was able to see the apache test page. However, after I tried it a second time at the end of the tutorial, I am unable to access the page. The error is as follows:

This site can’t be reached ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Anyone can shed some light on this would be great.

EDIT: I have figured out the problem, thank you everyone that has taken a look.

The issue: my home network was configured to blocked any connection that does not have an SSL cert. Since this was a newly created ec2 instance with no SSL at all, the connection was refused.

asked 10 months ago516 views
3 Answers


It's difficult to judge based on the content alone, but can you confirm that there are no errors in the Apache access log or error log?
Also, make sure Apache is started within EC2.
I think you can start it with the following command.

sudo systemctl start httpd

Also, is the IP address you are connecting to correct?

profile picture
answered 10 months ago
  • Hi,

    I did a "sudo service httpd status" It showed that the apache server is active and running.

    The IP address and DNS I used was the one that I grabbed from the instance page that I created the EC2 instance on.

    As of now, I re-did the entire process, I am no longer able to see the apache test page anymore.

  • Thank you, the issue has been resolved, updated the question



After you re-did the entire process, what is the error when u launch the apache test page? Hope you have confirmed that the apache server is running.

answered 10 months ago
  • Hi,

    The error is now "err_connection_timed_out" I ran ""sudo service httpd status", and it said that apache was active and running. Not too sure what is wrong with my settings. The VPC has an IGW and SGs are set to allow SSH from my IP, HTTP from anywhere, MySQL from same SG. Outbounds are towards all out.

  • Thank you, the issue has been resolved, updated the question



Did you start and stop the instance in between? If so refer changing the site URL.

Your WordPress database credentials are stored in the wp-config.php file. It is the WordPress configuration file that contains important WordPress settings including database information. You need to make sure that the information for the database name, username, password, and database host is correct as per the details retrieved in Module 3 of the tutorial you were following.

answered 10 months ago
  • Hi,

    I did not stop and start the instance, it was left running.

    I re-did the whole process, the first set of credentials i used were the master set followed by one I created for the wordpress app. The database name was directly lifted (case-sensitive) from the RDS page. The host name as well was copied direct from the RDS page, under endpoint.

    As of now, I re-did the entire process, I am no longer able to see the apache test page anymore.

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