Change SQL Server from Bring Your Own License (BYOL) to License Included without migration


A customer has around 30 SQL servers that are currently running on EC2. They would like to reconfigured them to use our AMI (with SQL server baked in) without the need of creating new, on-demand instances of SQL and migrating the databases onto these. Technically it seems to be possible to reconfigure those existing machines to be billed as EC2 with SQL server installed. • Spin new On-Demand instance with SQL installed • Stop the instance and remove root volumes • Swap the root volumes from their existing instance

The machine will show up as using Microsoft Windows Server with SQL AMI. This will take care of us billing the customer correctly.

Is this something supported and would it be compliant with our licensing terms ? Would the customer have to reconfigured their instance with our SQL license ?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

It's not possible to change the licensing of an existing server. Why not either copy the data files over to the new instances, or using DMS to migrate?

answered 8 years ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

As of Nov 2021, AWS now offers the ability to easily switch between AWS provided licenses and bring your own licenses (BYOL) for Windows Server and SQL Server workloads using AWS License Manager.

answered 3 years ago

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