API to read dynamoDB


Hello everyone and thank you in advance for any guidance, First off, I'm a n00b with AWS who's task is to get real time pricing information to the website product builder as selections are being made.. think of it as a car builder.. First pick frame (click) Total $9,999 base... now click on the wheels you like Total changes to $12,500 in real time etc etc

We currently have a working REST API that sends all our data from Airtable(where we store and maintain all data and pricing) to DynamoDB via lambda

What path would be most efficient to pull this off via webhook(?) API (will be sending a json with all the parts and wanting this to pull data then calculate a price by doing some multiplication ie quantity needed x price per pulled from the db?

Thanks again

1 Answer

I don't fully understand your issue, but I am making an assumption you need pub/sub style architecture. From DynamoDB this can be achieved using the following

Airtable -> Lambda -> DynamoDB -> DynamoDB Streams -> SNS -> Application

DynamoDB Streams

DynamoDB Streams captures a time-ordered sequence of item-level modifications in any DynamoDB table and stores this information in a log for up to 24 hours. Applications can access this log and view the data items as they appeared before and after they were modified, in near-real time.

SNS Pub Sub

Publish/subscribe messaging, or pub/sub messaging, is a form of asynchronous service-to-service communication used in serverless and microservices architectures. In a pub/sub model, any message published to a topic is immediately received by all of the subscribers to the topic. Pub/sub messaging can be used to enable event-driven architectures, or to decouple applications in order to increase performance, reliability and scalability.

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answered 2 years ago

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