Amazon Gamelift Fleet Scaling Capacity Edit button is disabled in Console


There are 2 fleets:

New fleet: My fleet ID is fleet-9d220d81-3a81-49aa-b685-31150d9486e3 Enter image description here

Fleet status is Active. All locations are Active.

However the edit button is disabled in Fleet > Scaling > Scaling Capacity section.

Old fleet The reason I need to change this is because it's a new fleet to replace the old one, which is more than 30 days old and had a warning: "Fleet is out of date This Fleet is greater than 30 days old. The base Amazon Machine Image (AMI), which includes the operating system, is updated only when a new fleet is created. To update game server software and guest Operating System to use the latest software versions, upload a new build to Amazon GameLift, create a new fleet for it, and redirect traffic to the new fleet. Learn more "

asked 22 days ago38 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer


The edit button becomes enabled once you select a location in the list: Enter image description here

answered 22 days ago
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reviewed 21 days ago

Enter image description here I deleted all but 1 location. Then suspended the location. The Edit button is still disabled (10 minutes after suspending).

answered 22 days ago

The issue you're experiencing with the disabled Edit button for the Scaling Capacity section in your new Amazon GameLift fleet is likely due to auto-scaling being enabled for that fleet. When auto-scaling is active, manual capacity adjustments are typically restricted to prevent conflicts with the automated scaling processes.

To resolve this and gain the ability to manually edit the scaling capacity:

  1. Open the Amazon GameLift console and navigate to the Hosting > Fleets page.
  2. Select your new fleet (fleet-9d220d81-3a81-49aa-b685-31150d9486e3).
  3. Go to the Scaling tab.
  4. Look for the "Suspended auto-scaling locations" section. If auto-scaling is active, you'll need to suspend it for the locations where you want to manually adjust capacity.
  5. Select each location where you want to suspend auto-scaling and choose "Suspend".
  6. Once auto-scaling is suspended for the desired locations, the Edit button in the Scaling Capacity section should become active.

After suspending auto-scaling, you should be able to manually set the capacity for your fleet. Remember that manually setting capacity can be useful when you need to maintain a specific level of resources or when auto-scaling isn't required for your current needs.

Regarding your old fleet that is more than 30 days old, it's good practice to create a new fleet as you've done. This ensures that you're using the latest Amazon Machine Image (AMI) with up-to-date operating system and software versions. After setting up your new fleet with the desired capacity and confirming it's working correctly, you can redirect traffic from the old fleet to the new one to complete the update process.

Manually set capacity for a Amazon GameLift fleet - Amazon GameLift
Scaling game hosting capacity with Amazon GameLift - Amazon GameLift

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answered 22 days ago

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