Amazon Connect - Lex - Trigger an Intent to recognize the voice input number



Here's the situation. The following prompt will be played from the Amazon connect using Get input block.

Please say or enter your 8 digit Date of Birth, 9 digit full Social Security Number or your 10 digit Individual ID number

Now, how can I trigger the Lex intent as soon as the caller started sharing the specific details? We will not know, what kind of number or information they will share. So, how can I configure the utterances and capture the values in slot?

Is there a way?

Thanks, Shiva

1 Answer

I think this is where a regular expression (regex) slot would come into play: DoB: [0-9]{8} SSN: [0-9]{9} IID:[0-9]{10}

I've never tried something like this, but it would be good to hear if it works.


profile picture
answered 2 months ago
  • One more thing, capturing a full SSN is not recommended at all. I would advice against it.

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