Adding Listener in Classic Load Balancer stuck in 'Pending Create'


I am trying to add my SSL certificate (issued on ACM) into my environment with these settings:

Port: 443
Protocol: HTTPS
Instance Port: 80
Instance Protocol: HTTP

When I click Add, the listener is just stuck in 'pending create'. I had waited more than an hour and its still not created. What could be the issue? Is there a way to check errors to why it is not created?

Edited by: Kalesvol on Jul 20, 2020 2:55 PM

Nvm. I'm an idiot.

asked 5 years ago833 views
1 Answer


When a listener is created for the Load Balancer in Beanstalk, it goes in "Pending Create". In order to create the listener, you need to click "Apply" to save the changes. This will update the Beanstalk environment and create the defined listener.

answered 4 years ago

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