Lambda event filter for Json array


In the documentation it is only mention "Weather": [ { "anything-but": [ "Raining" ] } ]

What I am need is to filter if the array contains a specific value. Example json { "MyKey": "Value", "Number": 12, "References": [ { "Key1": 14 }, { "Key2": 14 } ] }

What would be the filter syntax to check if "Key1" exists ?

asked a year ago624 views
1 Answer

In EventBridge, your custom payload is always included in the "detail" field, so your actual event will look like:

  "detail-type": "MyCustomEvent",
  "source": "aws.partner/",
  "account": "12345678921",
  "time": "2022-04-06T20:24:01Z",
  "resources": [],
  "detail": {
    "MyKey": "Value",
    "Number": 12,
    "References": [{
      "Key1": 14
    }, {
      "Key2": 14

Your rule should look like this:

  "detail": {
    "References": {
      "Key2": [14]
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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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