Problems logging into my AWS training and certification account


I wrote the cloud practitioner exam and I registered with an email. However, now I'm trying to log in using the same email into the AWS training and certification portal but I keep getting this message. ( an account already exists with this email address. if you are an APN partner or amazon employee, please using the appropriate option to access your account). How can one resolve this error because I don't want to create a new account so I can have all the exam histories and my certifications on one account.

asked a year ago1200 views
1 Answer


Are you trying to create a new account instead of logging in?

an account already exists with this email address. if you are an APN partner or amazon employee, please using the appropriate option to access your account

If you already have an account, open the URL below and " You should be able to sign in from "Login with Amazon".

When the screen below opens, you will be able to sign in using your registered email address and password.

profile picture
answered a year ago

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