AWS Lightsail - Need to reboot server on the 1st of every month


I'm running a Bitnami WordPress instance on an AWS Lightsail and like clockwork on the 1st of every month, the website goes down and I have to reboot the instance. Does anyone know why this is happening? It's been 6 months (the instance's lifetime) that this has been happening and it has ALWAYS been the 1st

asked 6 months ago180 views
2 Answers


Are there any errors or logs that would cause the system to stop being output to the Lightsail OS system log or web server log?
If it stops on the same day every month, I think there may be some cron settings.
I recommend that you check the cron settings using the command below.

crontab -l
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answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • the response was "no crontab for bitnami"


What you're describing sounds like some software on the instance is exceeding the allocated CPU Utilization (you can check on the metrics screen).

Do you have any plugins installed in WordPress that are running backups or synchronization that run on a monthly cadence?

Check the Inbound network traffic for your instance (also on the metrics tab) to see if there is a traffic spike from an external source (like a web crawler) that might increase load on your instance.

answered 6 months ago

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