Code Catalyst CDK Deploy Action not exporting CFN Outputs as expected


I want to have CFN Outputs of CDK Deploy action as workflow variables.By default, the action only exposes the first four (or fewer) CloudFormation output variables that it finds. The documentation suggests If the variables listed on the Variables tab are not what you want, you can configure different ones using the CfnOutputVariables YAML property. I have included the property CfnOutputVariables in CDK Deploy Action configuration but still I cannot see my specific CFN outputs as emitted variables.

During my testing I have observed that it only works for first three variables, for example if I set CfnOutputVariables as following: CfnOutputVariables: '["Var1","Var2","Var3","Var4"]' Then only Var1,Var2,Var3 are exposed as workflow variables, Var4 is ignored.

asked a year ago328 views
2 Answers

Thank you for reporting this issue to us. We are very sorry you encountered this issue. I have created a service ticket with our engineering team on your behalf. I will update you here as soon as i hear back.

answered a year ago

In addition to generating the variables listed previously, the AWS CDK deploy action also exposes CloudFormation output variables as workflow output variables for use in subsequent workflow actions. By default, the action only exposes the first four (or fewer) CloudFormation output variables that it finds. To determine which ones are exposed, run the AWS CDK deploy action once, and then look in the Variables tab of the run details page. If the variables listed on the Variables tab are not what you want, you can configure different ones using the CfnOutputVariables YAML property. For more information, see the CfnOutputVariables property description in the ["AWS CDK deploy" action reference.](from our documentation - )

answered a year ago

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