Why AWS don't tell how to remove port 25?


Hi all,

I paid to have instance to build my company mail server using Plesk penal which it has reach security build-in.

After installation and configure the port 25 is prohibit by AWS, I try to request to remove but it no hope, and they don't even tell me the way how can AWS remove it.

So any idea how to host mail server in AWS without port 25?


asked 2 years ago389 views
2 Answers

I couldn't afford to use AWS SES, I would pay 10K per year because my email account staff a lot.

Yep, I have try but then AWS have replied:


Thank you for submitting your request to have the email sending limit removed from your >account and/or for an rDNS update.

After a thorough review, we confirmed our original finding and cannot grant your request.

Please consider looking into the Simple Email Service (SES) https://aws.amazon.com/ses/.

We cannot assist you further with this issue and we may not respond to additional messages on this subject.

The last statement is NO WAY meaning?

I don't know what to fix if they don't tell what I am wrong to follow their rule to remove port 25, could you please tell me what going on or how to fix my problem to have AWS remove it?

answered 2 years ago
  • By my rough calculations in order to spend $10k per year on SES you'd need to be sending around 2,000,000 messages and 5TB of data per month (naturally things are highly variable). At those levels you're going to be paying only just less than $10k per month just in outbound VPC data charges. So I don't know that SES is really that expensive. I've had to make up some numbers to get to my figured but in any case I still think SES is at least close to being viable.

    I'd strongly recommend you reach out to your local AWS Solutions Architect to discuss options.


You will need to create a support case to unblock port 25. See this page for more information.

Or you might consider using SES.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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