Obtaining order information and purchase invoices directly from an AMAZON API as a buyer


Hello everyone;

We are a company and place recurring orders via the AMAZON platform, we would like to know if it is possible to obtain our order and purchase invoice information directly from an AMAZON API? because I understood that only AMAZON sellers can have access to this information... so if it is possible to access it as buyers, what is the process? Can you provide us with more details on this subject?

Thank you.


1 Answer

Amazon does not provide a public API for buyers to directly access their order and purchase invoice information. The Amazon APIs that are available for accessing order information are typically designed for sellers to manage their sales on the platform. If you need to automate the retrieval of this information for business purposes, you might consider using web scraping techniques, although this approach can be complex and may violate Amazon's terms of service.

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answered 8 months ago

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