how to export AWS Forecast


When I read the documentation at it states: In the navigation pane, under your dataset group, choose Forecasts.

I cannot find this element. Here's a screen dump of what I see: Screenshot

Thanks for any pointers

asked 7 months ago183 views
1 Answer

Hi Allan. Thanks for reaching out!

You're almost there. Select the 'JOUT' Dataset group name link. This will take you to the a dashboard with the overview of your dataset group. Generic info from that page -

There are three steps required to create a forecast. Upload the required training data, train a predictor, and generate forecasts. 
Once these steps have been completed, you can view your forecasts on the forecast lookup page.

After training the predictor and generating a forecast, then you'll be able to export your forecast. If you navigate away from the console or get logged out then my method to access the forecast details and create an export from the console include the following steps:

  1. Select "Dataset groups"
  2. Select the Dataset group name (link)
  3. Select the "Create a forecast" button to take to to the "Create a forecast" page (don't click 'start') you're just navigating to this page to access the forecasts page
  4. Select the Forecast link at the top left of the console page (Amazon Forecast > Dataset groups > sawyehir_4c626059 > Forecasts > Create forecast)
  5. Select the Forecast name and you'll see the 'Exports' element on this new page. You can create the export from here by clicking "Create forecast export" button.
answered 7 months ago

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