Versioning enabled for my s3 bucket. but when i delete a file . it gets deleted


Hi, I am a beginner to AWS. I have learned that ' If versioning is enabled for the s3 bucket and we delete an object, it won't get deleted and there will be a deletion marker ". I have enabled versioning in my S3 bucket and I have uploaded multiple versions of my object. but when I delete AWS is asking me for a permanent deletion confirmation and it is deleting it permanently. Please guide me if I didn't enable anything

asked a year ago1585 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


If you have enabled versioning on the bucket, when you delete an object through the console, you will still be asked to confirm you want to delete it. As you rightly said, a deletion marker will be added to the object if versioning is enabled.

The AWS Console view of your S3 Bucket, by default, does not show all the versions of your object. If you toggle the "show versions" switch as highlighted below, you will be able to see the delete marker and original version of your object below that.

Enter image description here

If you have already toggled the versioning button as described above. Then you may well be selecting one of the specific versions to delete. These deletions are permanent, more information about this can be found here:

answered a year ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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