AWS IoT Timestream Rule Action Multi Measure Record


Hi, Is it possible to create a single db record with multiple measurements using IoT Greengrass Timestream rule action? I want to show 3 measurements from a device in a single row. Even though my select query has 3 measurement they are all inserted in to table as different rows.

My Timestream rule in CF template:

    Type: AWS::IoT::TopicRule
        RuleDisabled: false
          !Join [
              "SELECT cpu_utilization, memory_utilization, disc_utilization FROM 'device/+/telemetry'",
          - Timestream:
              DatabaseName: !Ref TelemetryTimestreamDatabase
              TableName: !GetAtt DeviceTelemetryTimestreamTable.Name
                - Name: device
                  Value: ${deviceId}
              RoleArn: !GetAtt SomeRole.Arn
                Unit: SECONDS
                Value: ${time}

My message payload:

  "cpu_utilization": 8,
  "memory_utilization": 67.4,
  "disc_utilization": 1.1,
  "deviceId": "asdasdasd123123123",
  "time": "1639141461"

Resulting records in Timestream:

| device | measure_name | time | measure_value::bigint | measure_value::double| | --- | | 61705b3f6ac7696431ac6b12 | disc_utilization | 2021-12-10 13:03:47.000000000 | - | 1.1 | | 61705b3f6ac7696431ac6b12 | memory_utilization | 2021-12-10 13:03:47.000000000 | - | 67.1 | | 61705b3f6ac7696431ac6b12 | cpu_utilization | 2021-12-10 13:03:47.000000000 | - | 12.1 |

This is not what I want. I want to have a single record including all three measurements, cpu, disc and memory. I know it is possible to do it somehow because provided sample db has multi measurement records, such as:

| hostname | az | region | measure_name | time | memory_utilization | cpu_utilization | | --- | | host-n2Rxl |eu-north-1a | eu-north-1 | DevOpsMulti-stats | 2021-12-10 13:03:47.000000000 | 40.324917071566546 | 91.85944083569557 | | host-sEUc8 |us-west-2a | us-west-2 | DevOpsMulti-stats | 2021-12-10 13:03:47.000000000 | 59.224512780289224 | 18.09011541205904 |

How can I achieve this? Please help!


3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Amazon Timestream multi-measure records feature was recently released 11-29-2021 ( and the AWS IoT Timestream action does not yet support multi-measure records. As a workaround you can trigger a Lambda function using the AWS IoT Lambda Action and use the AmazonTimestream Write API to insert your multi-measure record :

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

if you need have deviceid, cpu, disc and memory in same row then add add all four to the dimensions. Check out this blogpost for an example

answered 3 years ago
  • Thanks for the answer, I guess the support for multi measure records will be available at some point of time. That's why I want to follow the best practices for the time being. I will implement a lambda function as a workaround for now.


For those interested in the answer, multi measurement insertion support is added to javascript-sdk with this release: 2.1036.0

By the time of writing the default available sdk version on aws lambda is 2.1001.0.

So need to be careful about the available sdk version.

answered 3 years ago

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