By using AWS re:Post, you agree to the AWS re:Post Terms of Use

Does this mean I am just never eligible


Thank you for providing us with additional information regarding your sending limits. We are unable to grant your request at this time.

We reviewed your request and determined that your use of Amazon SES could have a negative impact on our service. We are denying this request to prevent other Amazon SES customers from experiencing interruptions in service.

For security purposes, we are unable to provide specific details.

For more information about our policies, please review the AWS Acceptable Use Policy ( ) and AWS Service Terms ( ).

Thank you for contacting Amazon Web Services.

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Best regards, Trust and Safety

asked 4 months ago194 views
1 Answer


I think your application will be approved if you describe the exact use case and what to do when a bounce occurs in detail.
We're not sure what use case you entered, but your application will be rejected if you don't explain in detail how to use email sending.

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answered 4 months ago

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