How to increase the maximum send rate per second ?


Want to ask about the maximum send rate per second

How to increase?

Our current settings are:

Daily sending quota

50,000 emails per 24-hour period

Maximum send rate

14 emails per second

Because we estimate here, we need to send 700 letters within two hours

But because of this limitation, only about 500 letters have been completed.

So I want to ask how to increase the maximum send rate per second?

2 Answers

Take a look here.

It gives two ways to increase the quota:

  1. AWS Service Quotas console
  2. Support Center
profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

You can use more than one connection to SES at the same time. So using two connections should double the speed. Right now you are limited to about 840 mails per minute

answered 3 years ago

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