Textract API with Postman


Hi, as I can see, aws textract can be implemented with library in languages mentioned here: https://aws.amazon.com/developer/tools/#sdk The second aproach is to use AWS CLI. Is API docs with endpoints also available? Because what if I want to try AWS textract with Postman? Thanks

asked 2 years ago2236 views
3 Answers

Have you taken a look at this document - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/textract/latest/dg/API_Reference.html

The section https://docs.aws.amazon.com/textract/latest/dg/API_Operations.html describes the request and response structures for each of the APIs.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

You pass in the request syntax JSON as the request. But you have to authenticate (sign it: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signing_aws_api_requests.html), that is the harder part.

answered 2 years ago

Here is the page that shows a full list of endpoints used for each service per region. Here is a direct link to textract specifically:


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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