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Seeking Cost Saving options For ALB with Autoscaling


Hi, I have a blog site with an average of 3000 live traffic (In Cloudflare it had served 572GB Data in last 7 days). I am using Autoscaling group with t3.large with minimum 1 instance and max 4 instance, and in the peak hour it's 2 instances everytime running.

And I am using ALB. But what I saw in November in last 3 days it charged me 10.38$ for the ALB, so looks like AVG 3.5$ per day means 105$ per month.

I have calculated my setup's cost 2 instance running frequently cost me 72.5$ Per month RDS (db.t3.large) reserved cost me 100$ per month (60% AVG CPU Usages) VPC Not Sure but by calculation maybe 30$ per month ALB - 105$ Per month (in my calculation) Data Transfer - 100$ Per Month (I am using CF pro for serving caching data) Total- 407.5$ Do you have any suggestions on how I can optimize or reduce my cost? (Let's not reserve those 2 instances because sometimes it uses 3 instances.)

2 Answers

Based on your current setup and usage, there are several strategies you can consider to optimize and reduce your AWS costs:

  1. Application Load Balancer (ALB) Optimization: The ALB seems to be a significant cost factor. Consider using a single Application Load Balancer for multiple applications if possible. Also, review your ALB configuration to ensure you're not over-provisioning.

  2. Auto Scaling Refinement: Fine-tune your Auto Scaling policies to more closely match your traffic patterns. This could potentially reduce the number of instances running during off-peak hours. Consider using more granular scaling policies based on metrics like CPU utilization, request count, or custom application metrics.

  3. Instance Type Evaluation: Analyze if t3.large instances are the most cost-effective for your workload. You might be able to use a different instance family or size that provides better price-performance for your specific needs. AWS Compute Optimizer can help identify if your instances are over-provisioned.

  4. Spot Instances: For non-critical workloads or batch processing, consider using Spot Instances in your Auto Scaling group. They can offer significant cost savings compared to On-Demand instances.

  5. RDS Optimization: With 60% average CPU usage, your RDS instance might be slightly over-provisioned. Consider testing a smaller instance size or exploring Aurora Serverless if your workload has variable demand.

  6. Data Transfer Cost Reduction: Review your data transfer patterns and ensure you're making the most of CloudFront. Optimize your caching strategies and TTLs to reduce origin fetches.

  7. VPC Cost Analysis: Examine your VPC usage, particularly NAT Gateway usage if applicable. Consider using VPC endpoints for AWS services to reduce data transfer costs.

  8. AWS Savings Plans: While you don't want to reserve the EC2 instances, consider Compute Savings Plans which provide flexibility across instance families, sizes, and even some AWS services.

  9. CloudWatch and Monitoring: Use AWS Cost Explorer and CloudWatch to continuously monitor your usage and identify cost anomalies or optimization opportunities.

  10. Serverless Options: For certain components of your application, consider if serverless options like AWS Lambda or Fargate could be more cost-effective, especially if you have variable traffic patterns.

Remember to test any changes in a non-production environment first to ensure they don't negatively impact your application's performance or reliability. Regularly review and refine your setup as your traffic patterns and application needs evolve.
Community | AWS cost optimization: Top tips and best practices to reduce your bill
Community | EC2 cost optimization:15 ways to save on Amazon EC2
Overview of cost optimization - Cost Modeling Data Lakes for Beginners
AWS Auto Scaling Features

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Hi Gary, Just one question came into my mind, Will those ec2 instance under the ALB+Auto Scaling Group will charge for the Bandwidth or the Bandwidth will be count as ALB's bandwidth?


The re:Post Agent is good but misses one specific thing:

How much of your content is static? Serving static content from a web server farm wastes capacity (all capacity - load balancer, servers, etc.).

Instead: Put the static content into S3. Less storage cost and S3 will scale automatically to deal with large-scale requests at no extra cost to you - you're still paying for the data transfer (but you will anyway coming from EC2/load balancer) but you don't have to pay for more instances and more load balancer capacity to deliver content.

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
reviewed a month ago
  • In the frontend app, very few static parts is there, basically, everything is fetched from the API. I will look into the docs and everything to understand the first answer and your answer as well to terminate the extra cost.

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