Cannot load Wordpress Multisite after setting primary domain


Hi everyone.

I have a domain registered through route 53 and the DNS zones and wordpress multisite set up through Lightsail.

Everything was working until I went to change the primary domain, here

After that, navigating to the domain leads to a server not found page. I also can no longer load anything from the static IP address. Trying to navigate to the static IP address redirects to http://[domain].com/wp-signup.php?new=[static ip] which also does not load. If I try to use the Bitnami command to change the primary domain back to the static ip or [static ip] I get a "too many redirects" error.

I've double and triple checked and I'm almost positive I followed all the steps correctly. Has anyone else had this issue and know how to fix it?

Thank you!

asked 4 years ago660 views
3 Answers

It simply started working on its own; I suspect the problem was that I wasn't patient enough. Sorry for wasting your time!

answered 4 years ago

started working on its own, I suspect I wasn't patient enough, nothing to see here :)

answered 4 years ago

How long did you wait? I waited for 4 hours, but still nothing shows up.

answered 2 years ago

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