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Kill yarn jobs that not running automatically


I want to know if the option exist in EMR or automated way to kill the spark job that says initial job not accepted any resources. Some of my cluster is transient that run off batch hour without progressing stuck in accepted state.

Thanks in advance

asked a year ago431 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


There is no option to kill the application automatically when initial job has not accepted any resources. Because this is not an error on yarn side but the job is waiting for resource allocation and it will run after getting resources to launch executors.

So you may consider to create a script that periodically polls application logs and kill the application if there are logs "Initial job has not accepted any resources. Check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources" and kill it if the progress keeps 0% for the duration you specified.

Found this external reference that might help to achieve this. You can set to run the script on the primary node configuring bootstrap action when creating the cluster. Hope this answered your query.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Thank you for the detailed information. I shared a feedback for this as feature request. 👏

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