Does AWS provide managed app deployment to marketplace like how Azure does ?


I wanted to know whether AWS provides an option to publish/deploy my app as a managed app to AWS Marketplace ? or does it have to be only SaaS deployment ?

asked a year ago307 views
1 Answer

Currently, AWS Marketplace supports SaaS products deployed into the seller's account and managed by the seller. We also have products types deployed into the buyer's account and managed by the buyer. AWS Marketplace doesn't support a product where AWS manages the solution on behalf of the seller.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Okay, I wanted to know about two things here

    1. What is the offer's name for this - ' We also have products types deployed into the buyer's account and managed by the buyer'. Can you please share any documentation on this offer ?

    2. I have my app's UI hosted using ECS Fargate and attached ALB to it,and backend for the app is in Lambda function.I have written cloudformation templates for the same. Which marketplace offer is suitable for this type of deployment.

    Note: As a seller I don't want to manage the app and don't want to get billed for the services

  • Your solution would fit into our Container product option. Please read the AWS Marketplace Seller's Guide for Container products.

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