Does AWS Gamelift work with Unreal Engine 5


What the title says. I noticed on the Getting Started page, the GameLift Managed Servers SDK says it is compatible with UE4 4.26.

asked 2 years ago1378 views
3 Answers

It is possible to get the latest version ( of the GameLift SDK working as a plugin for UE5 (tested with 5.1) on Windows. Please check out this repo I created for said plugin: The repo contains more info.

answered a year ago

Jumping onto this older post to point out that Amazon GameLift has since added support for Unreal Engine 5 with SDK 5 fleets.

Check out our what's new post and latest developer guide for instructions on how to integrate:

answered a year ago

While there is currently no official support, we have received feedback that the existing GameLift server SDK can be integrated successfully with UE5. If you run into any issues during this process, please feel free to create a customer support request to receive further assistance.

UE5 support is a feature request we're currently tracking on our end.


answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago

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