Can I use RMAN Backup for RDS restore ?


Customer is storing Oracle RMAN backup on-prem. As part of DR strategy, they want to build DR environment in AWS. I would like them to use RDS in AWS for their DR instance. Is there way to spin up RDS instance using RMAN backup and then later use RDS snapshot to restore back to on-prem Oracle ?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

No, due to managed service nature, you do not have privilege to restore RMAN backup in RDS. However, you can take backup from RDS using RMAN and restore on-prem or on ec2. [+]

Only way to use RDS as a DR is using replication tools like goldengate or DMS.

answered 4 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
  • This is really bad. Theres some cool stuff you can do like merge many logfiles into a backupset, to keep it up to date. This avoids so much network bandwidth , sinceyou dont need to send the whole backup back and forth, spendig a good chunk of $ for networnig billing for data transfer

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