AWS System Manager Backend support for MWAA


I've tried to configure my MWAA (wih 1.10.12, 2.0.2) with ssm backend with below configuration options:

secrets.backend_kwargs: {"connections_prefix":<conn_prefix>, "variables_prefix":"<var_prefix>"}

It starts up the environment and status becomes 'Available' for use, yet while accessing the airflow UI, I'm getting gateway errors. I've also added permission for SSM.

Am I missing something or there is a known bug which I'm unaware of?

1 Answer

Yes, it is a known MWAA behaviour as per MWAA documentation "" AWS SSM Parameter Store is not a supported backend at this time on Amazon MWAA.

However, could you please follow below documentation if you would like to get the secrets manager config working in your MWAA environment.

answered 2 years ago

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