Unexpected VPC Costs Despite Stopped EC2 Instances


Hi Suppor Team,

Although my EC2 instances are stopped, I am still incurring costs related to the VPC. However, I have never set up a VPC myself. Where are these costs coming from? Enter image description here

asked a month ago119 views
2 Answers


Please check the breakdown of costs in your VPC from Cost Explorer by following the steps in the answer at the URL below.

VPC costs include ElasticIP, public IPv4, NAT Gateway, etc.

profile picture
answered a month ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a month ago
  • The Cost Explorer console should look like the image below. a


Thank you for providing the instructions on how to break down the costs. I can now see they were incurred due to idle ipv4 addresses. Enter image description here I created an elastic IP for one of my EC2 instances. Looks like the free-tier usage only covers an in-use EC2 instance but not an idle one? Enter image description here

answered a month ago

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