Unable to create even a single instance in Lightsail due to quota limit


Hi, Recently I've decided to run my blog on AWS Lightsail. However, I cannot create even a single instance due to quota limit. The quota value of Lightsail instance is 20 as default.

Is there anyone who has the same experience before?

  • I have the same identical problem. My instances quota is 20 and my public static IPs quota is 5. However, I can spin up just two (small) instences, if I try with further instances I need to run my infrastucture, I get the quota limit error. I already asked for a quota increase (from 20 to 40). However it is quite clear for me the error is misleading. I cannot find the actual problem.

asked 10 months ago472 views
1 Answer


As per https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/lightsail.html

New AWS accounts might start with quotas that are lower than those described here.

To request a quota increase please submit a request via Service Quotas in your desired AWS Region.


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