Account Closed For No Actual Reason


First I was Greeted With We have closed your Amazon Web Services account because we found it to be related to other previously closed accounts...

This happen after 1 month of using the AWS Account Yes one of the email add in this current account was used previously in an Account that Closed year ago [That Account had an Invoice Due of 77 INR - Below One USD] No I can't login to old account as its Closed

when i contacted AWS Support for the Situation this what they told Hello,

We can't take further action on this matter or offer additional insight. This will be our final correspondence, and we'll consider this case closed.

We regret that we've not addressed your concerns to your satisfaction.

We value your feedback. Please share your experience by rating this and other correspondences in the AWS Support Center. You can rate a correspondence by selecting the stars in the top right corner of the correspondence.

Best regards, Jawad B. Amazon Web Services

I Tried Creating The Cases Multiple Times but no Luck all says the same and closes it

My Production System are Down they can be Started as they says Account is Block or Invalid

1 Answer


I'm sorry to hear this. I apologize we're unable to discuss case or account details via this platform. However, please be assured I have reached out internally to share your concerns.

— Sage A.

answered a year ago
  • I am expecting the Best for thing to happen and will really appriciated

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