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RDS Postgres engine upgraded to unsupported version 14.3


A few days ago my company started upgrading engine versions to our RDS postgres databases and version 14.3 was available as we looked both trough the UI and the CLI describe-db-engine-versions command.

Today when we were accessing the RDS instance trough the graphical interface we noticed that almost no functionality was working properly. After some investigation we found out that version 14.3 was no longer available.

Now we are stuck in a position where we cannot properly modify our instances anymore, restore or downgrade our database.

What would be an advisable action plan to restore those databases to a supported engine version? They are not production databases, so downtime would not be a huge issue. Also, if this new version is soon to be released we could wait for a few days if that would auto solve our issuer.

Follow up screen shots showing the current state our instances are in and the UI behavior when the database has an engine version that should not be available.

Current state Selects are broken, database is unmodifiable

Neither the DB Engine Version, DB Instance class and Storage Class allow any selection. Hindering the modify page in a broken state.

2 Answers

If you have a support agreement with AWS, your best course of action in something like this is to open a support case for advise, especially since you got into a state you shouldn't have been able to trigger. Waiting for RDS Postgres engine 14.3 to be released may or may not help you given the undefined state you're in, and you have no way of knowing exactly that will happen. Aurora for Postgres supports 14.3 as of June 21st, in case you want to use that together with whatever glitch you hit as an indication, but you'll have to wait and see.

If you have a pre-upgrade snapshot, I'd suggest you restore your database from that if that's an option in terms of the potential data loss.

answered 2 years ago

We have reached to you on your registered email with guidance. Please feel free to correspond with us over email. We are happy to schedule a call and provide additional help if needed.

answered 2 years ago

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