API Error N. Virginia ?


I cannot access my services via Dashboard, the Ressources section on Dashboard indicates API Error.

See screenshot : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Spo99NrydNETG4unh9UI3odrFpUAIWa9/view?usp=sharing

On Health Dashboard, all services are marked functional.

Anyone can help me please ?

4 Answers

Just saw an update on Status Dashboard. Thanks for your reply.

8:22 AM PST We are investigating increased error rates for the AWS Management Console. 8:26 AM PST We are experiencing API and console issues in the US-EAST-1 Region. We have identified root cause and we are actively working towards recovery. This issue is affecting the global console landing page, which is also hosted in US-EAST-1, however customers can access console in other regions directly, by accessing https://.console.aws.amazon.com/. So, to access the US-WEST-2 console, use https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/.

answered 3 years ago

Hello SuperBuck88 - I'm seeing similar issues on my account as well. I'd be willing to bet that there may be a temporary outage or a service event. I'd recommend opening up a customer support case (I'm doing the same).

answered 3 years ago

Yes, there is an ongoing outage that will hopefully be resolved soon!!

answered 3 years ago

Check out AWS status page, indeed there is outage in us-east-1 https://status.aws.amazon.com/

answered 3 years ago

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