AWS Quicksight Access - via Amazon Active Directory AND IAM Roles


We are looking to expand services via AWS Quicksight, our use case would include Amazon subsidiary users who can be both in Amazon network and not. My question is it possible to setup new AWS accounts to allow BOTH Active Directory (for in network users) and unique IAM roles (for subsidiary/off-network users)? If not what are the options to allow this type of access using SSO where possible.

2 Answers

Hello, I have the same concern, only what would happen if I have my quicksight configured by SSO and I want to enter the mobile application with IAM users or the quicksight console by IAM users without being redirected to SSO?

answered 2 years ago

No you cannot configure a single QuickSight account to use both AD and IAM users. If you use AD it is all or nothing. If you use IAM you can federate users from multiple Identity Providers though (some internal some external for instance).

answered a year ago

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