How to create FAST-Channel with MediaLive



we are interested of using AWS Media Live with the aim of creating FAST-Channels (Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV Services).

Content/Input for the stream will most likely be provided in the form of various mp4's (VOD movie files). I was able to set up a Live-Stream With MediaLive's Workflow-Wizard and created two inputs. While the first input was looped, the second input was never shown.

In this context I would like to know:

  • How do we setup the stream, that all our inputs are displayed one after the other? If all inputs were played, playback should start from the beginning.
  • How do we integrate Ads (Vast-Tags) into the stream?

In general, any guidance relate to creating a FAST-Channel with MediaLive would be much appreciated.

Kind regards


asked 3 years ago1.8K views
2 Answers


In order for the input files to be played sequentially in MediaLive you would need to configure the "Source End Behavior" for those inputs as CONTINUE :

For Server Side Ad Insertion workflows you can use AWS Elemental MediaTailor (in conjunction with MediaLive and MediaPackage) which can act on the SCTE-35 present on the live stream or video files and interpret VAST/VMAP or VPAID received from an Ad Decision Server to insert/replace the proper ads :

If you want to create a live stream from VOD assets maybe AWS Elemental MediaTailor Channel Assembly could be more suited for your use case :,,


answered 3 years ago

Using the AWS MediaLive Workflow Wizard is a good start. You can add AWS MediaTailor for Server Side Ad Insertion (SSAI). MediaTailor reacts to SCTE-35 messages to trigger request ad content from an Ad Server, then modifies streaming manifests to include the ad content.

MediaLive has a Schedule function that can be used to switch between inputs, and insert SCTE-35 messages.
Switching between MediaLive inputs can be performed thru the Schedule function. Example: Starting with a Slate MP4 file that loops before a streaming event, then a scheduled Input Switch to a live input. After the event, switch to another Slate MP4 file indicating event has ended. Inserting SCTE-35 message for ad breaks (Cue-Out, Cue-In, etc) can be scheduled at specific times for SSAI. This could occur between video assets being played out thru MediaLive.

There is another path that can create FAST channels. AWS MediaTailor Channel Assembly (a specific adaptation of MediaTailor) This channel playout service requires your content already be in an Adaptive Bit Rate format (HLS, DASH). The MP4 files would need to be transcoded to ABR format, perhaps using AWS MediaConvert.

answered 3 years ago

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