Unreal 5 severe server lag


I just finished upgrading gamelift Linux dedicated server from unreal 4.6 to unreal 5.3, and got severe network lag.

Before upgrade, my server had around 50-100 Ms lag, but now it's gone up to 400-600ms. Does anyone know what night be the cause?

I know unreal 5 use doubles instead of floats, but that didn't explain a sudden jump in latency since my CPU and network usages are very low .

  • Are these both running in ManagedEC2 GameLift fleets?

asked a year ago323 views
1 Answer

Hello, Thank you for posting on re:Post.

I understand that by upgrading Unreal from 4.6 to 5.3 in your GameLift instance shows increased lag.

For latency related issues, it is best to isolate varying factors so that the cause of such latency increase can be identified.

For instance, if possible, please try deploying the same game build locally and see if there are any observable latency increases.

Additionally, please share logs of different break points in your game build of which the latency is measured. Using logs can help us know if the latency is caused by network traffic, server resource throttling or the game build itself.

Please also share the GameLift SDK version in use since outdated GameLift SDK can introduce issues that are resolved by later versions.

Thank you again for contributing to this post. Have a nice day!

answered a year ago

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