Re:Dns query fail


Hi. I have set DNS record A record point to my elastic ip, but DNS query still fail. Use dns checker all no result waited more than 48 hours already. I point to my elastic ip.set 300 ttl NS record set to 4 records provided by aws.

asked a month ago174 views
10 Answers
Accepted Answer

There may have been a problem when registering the domain.
Just to be safe, I think it would be a good idea to open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing" and inquire.
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

If you share your actual domain, I can do a little more research.
Is it possible to share the domain?

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago


Is it possible to resolve the name of NS record with the following command?
If the NS record cannot be resolved, the registered NS record may be incorrect.

dig ns

I think that if the NS record was set correctly, you would be able to check the value of "Name servers" listed in the hosted zone details.

Please check the following documents for other troubleshooting methods.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

Nameserver also changed and set correctly. But without a . at the back. Does it make sense? I can't change it even I set without a . at the back it will auto set to with a . at the back.

answered a month ago

;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 60483 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN A ;; Query time: 9 msec ;; SERVER: x.x.x.x#53(x.x.x.x) ;; WHEN: Sun Aug 11 08:54:16 UTC 2024 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 40

answered a month ago

The domain I own also has a dot after the NS record, so there is no problem.
Name resolution has failed because the status is "SERVFAIL".
By the way, can you confirm that NS records are being propagated on the following websites?

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answered a month ago

They all not propagated.

answered a month ago

So should just leave it to propagate? I'm just afraid settings incorrect. But I confirm pointed a record to my and also ns set to the aws records.

answered a month ago

By the way, is it possible for you to share your actual domain?
It will be easier for users on AWS re:Post to troubleshoot if you also share an image of your hosted zone settings.

Also, please check if the results of searching your domain from the URL below and checking the NS records match the contents of Route53's NS records.

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answered a month ago

Enter image description here Four records have been set same at the domain registrar ns records page.

answered a month ago

hi solved. the new ns record has to be the one assigned by aws, and not just edit it to use the previous one. thanks a lot.

answered a month ago

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