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One of my EC2 Instance was disappeared.


I had 3 instances running on ap-southeast-1. Suddenly on 28th Dec, one of my instance was terminated and gone. I would like to know the reason and how to recover it.

  • Check that you have the correct region selected. You could have created the instance in Virginia and had your region set to Ohio.

asked 3 years ago5.5K views
2 Answers

EC2 instances don't just disappear. You may have stopped the instance and the EC2 dashboard is usually shows running instances, so check and see if you have filters enabled and try to remove the filter to see all EC2 instances.

Also you can check EC2 Global view to check all ec2 instances in all regions.

If you are still not able to find your EC2 instance please check cloudtrail, it will tell you if the ec2 instance was terminated by another user in the account.

Cloud Trail Event Types:

  • RunInstances
  • StopInstances
  • StartInstances
  • TerminateInstances
  1. Open the CloudTrail console.
  2. Choose Event history.
  3. For Filter, select Event name from the dropdown list.
  4. For Enter event name, enter the event type (from above list) that you want to search for. Then, choose the event type.
  5. For Time range, enter the desired time range that you want to track the event type for.
  6. Choose Apply.

Check this article for more information.

Also please keep termination protection enabled on your ec2 instances to avoid accidental deletion.

answered 3 years ago
  • Thank you for the answer. I found out that one of my team terminated it. Can we recover the instance? Please advice.

  • Please check the root volume that was associated with the instance. If the root volume is not removed, then you can create new instance and attach this volume as root volume or mount it as secondary volume and recover your data.

Accepted Answer

Another thing to bear in mind is EC2 Instance Retirement. Once launched, an instance will run for as long as you wish it to as long as there aren't any faults/issues with the underlying infrastructure (hardware/hypervisor).

EC2 Auto Scaling guarantees application scalability but is also just as useful to guarantee resilience. You can configure an Auto Scaling group with (min/max/desired) = 1 to ensure that if an instance fails for any reason, another will automatically be created in it's place.

answered 3 years ago

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