DMS: PostgreSQl truncating varchar to 8000 characters


Hello everyone.

I have varchar type (without specified length) in Postgres DB and according to documentation DMS truncates such a field to 8000 characters when exporting data.

I wanted to change that and supplied parameter in the Extra Connection Attribute section to the DMS endpoint (PostgreSQL) as per documentation (unboundedVarcharMaxSize=10485760). That parameter hasn't helped, i.e. DMS truncates varchars to 8000 regardless of the parameter provided.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug? please find screenshot below

3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Was the task restarted after the endpoint was updated? If not already please try restarting the task as these changes wont be picked up with a stop and resume , if you are still seeing the data to be truncated it would be better to reach out to AWS DMS support.

profile picture
answered a month ago
  • Yes. The task was resumed previously. Restarting task has solved the problem.

    Thank you.



Look at this page:

I believe that you need to configure "Full LOB" mode according to this do

The parameter that you mention seems related to "Limited LOB" mode: see page.



profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago

Hello. Thank you for answer.

My target endpoint is S3 and according to this link:, S3 does not support "Full LOB" mode.

Any idea on how can I solve this for target S3 endpoint?

answered a month ago

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