Migrate a 3 Tier App with Oracle DB from on-prem Physical server to AWS EC2


Need to migrate a 3 Tier application that consists of a Web Server, App server and Oracle DB server(2 TB) from On-prem Physical server to AWS EC2 instances

This comes under Rehost (Lift and Shift) strategy as there is no change in DB as we need the ON-PREM physical server - Oracle DB to be running on EC2 instance in AWS

To migrate both Web & App server we need to use MGN but looking for confirmation as whether Oracle DB server can be migrated using MGN itself or need to use DMS as its a DB

Few docs I am seeing even DB server can be migrated with MGN itself and in few docs Oracle DB server to be migrated with DMS

What is the right way to migrate a oracle DB with Lift & Shift strategy

asked a year ago414 views
2 Answers


The following AWS document introduces the flow of migrating on-premises OracleDB to AWS using DMS.

For database migration, determine how much downtime the system can tolerate. If sufficient downtime is available, we recommend the simplest possible migration method that allows batch migration.
For Oracle migration, use a migration method such as Oracle Data Pump.
If there is not enough downtime to tolerate, we recommend a migration method that allows incremental migration.
Migration methods include Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle migration and AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) for other migration methods.
Although the differential migration method can minimize downtime, it is more challenging than the batch migration method, so please plan prior research, verification, and rehearsal.

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answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

looking for confirmation as whether Oracle DB server can be migrated using MGN itself or need to use DMS as its a DB

Using Database Migration Service means the end state will be Oracle running as an RDS database instance. You cannot use DMS to migrate a database onto EC2.

See the Homogenous tab of https://aws.amazon.com/dms/ , there's no getting away from it.

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answered a year ago

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