Kubernetes versions supported by ADOT


I want to install ADOT add-on. but status is 'Unsupported' my EKS version is 1.30 when did supported?

asked a month ago313 views
1 Answer


The Amazon Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) add-on currently supports specific versions of Amazon EKS, but it does not yet support EKS version 1.30. Typically, ADOT add-on support is aligned with the Kubernetes versions officially supported by Amazon EKS, which includes versions that are actively maintained by AWS.

EKS version 1.30 is relatively new, and ADOT support for this version may be released in a future update. It's advisable to check the AWS documentation or the AWS Console for the latest compatibility updates regarding the ADOT add-on and your EKS version.


answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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