Amazon Q with MySQL database issue


I have MySQL database and add it as Data Source for Amazon Q and but I need to know in Sync scope,

This is simple if mysql table I have:


How to make Amazon Q read this right to search about order and know details about it. (Primary Key) is orderNumber.

But What about : Title column Body column

1 Answer

Hi Fady,

Please check the step by step process of connecting Amazon Q Business to MySQL using the console -

The title column and body column in the Amazon Q and MySQL connector refer to the column mappings when syncing data from a MySQL database to Amazon Q.

When the MySQL connector crawls the database, each row is treated as a single searchable document in Amazon Q. The title column specifies which database column should be used as the title or name of the document. Similarly, the body column specifies which column contains the main text content of the document.

Additional column mappings can also be configured, such as columns for user permissions, timestamps, and metadata fields. By default, the primary key column of each database row is used as the document ID in Amazon Q.

The AWS documentation provides more details on all the configuration options for the MySQL connector and how to connect your database.

Useful links:

[1] MySQL connector overview - Amazon Q Business -

[2] Connecting MySQL to Amazon Q Business - Amazon Q Business -

Hope it helps

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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