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Specify outbound caller ID using Connect Streams?


We want to give our Streams application the ability to specify the caller ID for outbound calls based on the destination (based on value in our system, not based on country or area code). How can we initiate an outbound call for a specific agent that will use a specific caller ID number? I would think that this should be done by passing an attribute to the outbound call (we are currently using agent.connect() to initiate the call) and to then use a Lambda function called from the outbound whisper flow to specify the caller ID, but it doesn't seem possible to pass any attributes when initiating a call. We are open to any possible solutions.

asked 3 years ago521 views
1 Answer

You could possibly improvise on the example provided here

It is using a Lambda function to set the outbound number into a variable outbound_number in Step 6. The function in the example determines it based on the a country but you could have your own logic to determine it.

You may find this useful as well

answered 3 years ago
  • Yes, I know I can use a Lambda to set the outbound caller ID (as I mentioned in my question). My question is how I can pass the criteria to the outbound whisper flow. Our custom dialer (using streams) is what specifies the outbound caller ID number based on the person being called. How can I pass data to the whisper flow that the Lambda can then use to determine the caller ID?

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