Uploading files to s3


How to upload file directly to s3 from web. For example uploading imagenet data from the website to the s3 after extracting the tar file of it, without downloading dataset into my system, all process should be done through cloud. Do we need to use lambda or any other way to do it. ?

2 Answers


answer is depends :)

If you are using a Javascript framework such as React/Angular/Next, you may want to look into Amplify. There is a pretty neat component that allows you to upload seamlessly files to s3: https://ui.docs.amplify.aws/react/connected-components/storage/storagemanager

Other options involve:

  • Expose an api via API Gateway direct integration towards S3 to do upload, as direct proxy
  • For large files you may need to use API Gateway with signed URLS
  • A combination of Cloud front and Lambda@Edge

You can find details here: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/patterns-for-building-an-api-to-upload-files-to-amazon-s3/

Hope it helps ;)

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answered a year ago
  • Thank you for answering.

  • can it be possible with python aws sdk


Following up this question, I have a link of a web address. When I click on it, it automatically downloads a .tgz file. Is there a way to upload that .tgz file (or the .png files that are inside of that .tgz file) straight to an S3 bucket?

answered 7 months ago

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