Trying to figure out S3 Billing


S3 Bucket,,,, loaded initial files as standard, and then changed to glacier.

If I understand correctly, because they were initially as standard I get billed standard for 30 days begore glacier kicks in.

It looks, 3 months later, like I am still being billed for standard...

How do I sort this out?

  • What is the object size? If objects need not to be in standard storage at all, then can you consider storing them directly to glacier as archive?

asked a year ago289 views
2 Answers

According to the documentation, S3 cost is calculated pro-rated charge equal to the storage charge for the remaining days of the standard tier.

answered a year ago

I figured it out. It has been a busy summer... All data has been there for at least 90 days...

It turns out that I had versioning turned on, and there was a bunch of files still set up as standard. these would not show up unless I clicked the show versions button

As this was ultimately a test... I simply cleated the S3 completely and started over.

answered a year ago

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