Don't charge me if I run out of burst capacity


Hi, I am the owner of a $20 per month Linux instance and I also have a tight budget

If this instance uses up all the burst capacity - so be it : don't tack on more compute power and charge me extra

If there any way for me to enforce the above preference?

I use LightSail so I know it will set the upper limit at baseline but: Is $20 per month an upper limit or an estimate? I'm at the beginning of the month so I want to know if $20 will be the exact charge in 30 days or ~$20. What's the range of minimum usage to peak load, is it $15 - $25? Is it possible for peak load requests to run me a, lets say, $80 tab for my instance?

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asked a year ago721 views
2 Answers

Launch the instance in standard mode to avoid these charges

This document has a good explanation (and a very useful collection of links) of the way burstable instances can accrue charges

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Good stuff! Unfortunately, I'm using LightSail


Maybe check out this Lightsail doc regarding how the Lightsail instance burst capacity works:

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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