Failed to connect to EC2 Instance EC2 Instance Connect is unable to connect to your instance


Hi, This is Srinu ,I created Ec2 Instance on Linux,i am also enable ssh port 22 in security group ,i also try using role attached, but did not connect Ec2 instance ,i did not find what is issue in ec2 instance or any issues on account,please give me reply as soon as possible.

                                                                             Thank you
2 Answers
Accepted Answer
answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago


Could you show me the detailed rules of the security group you have set up in EC2?
If you are using EC2 Instance Connect, you should also ensure that you have met all the prerequisites listed in the following documentation:

A common problem with connections using EC2 Instance Connect is that the security group does not allow connections for "EC2_INSTANCE_CONNECT".
When using EC2 Instance Connect, you need to configure it to allow the IP address of "EC2_INSTANCE_CONNECT" instead of your own IP address.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • thank you for your response i configured ssh port as per below sgr-00679f39d61b6a3a6

    SSH Inbound rule 1 Type TCP 22

    Custom Inbound rule 1 Source

  • i doing same process on another account ,it is connect successfully,but in first didn't work

  • By the way, is it possible to connect via SSH from Teraterm or terminal instead of EC2 Instance Connect? If the connection fails, you may want to check the route table settings for the subnet where EC2 is running and check whether a route to the internet gateway is set.

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