AWS FPGA Release supporting Vivado 2022.1?


I noticed the latest developer AMI has 2022.1 installed, and would like to upgrade my fork of aws-fpga to use it (to workaround a Vivado bug). When will there be a cut of aws-fpga supporting that version?

asked 2 years ago457 views
6 Answers

Hi Biancolin,

Thank you for reaching out. We're currently working on releasing the new developer AMI with Vivado 2022.1. Although I don't have the exact release date, it should be coming out really soon. Please follow us on the aws_fpga github repo so you'll get an announcement once the new tool is ready.

I'm also curious to know what type of Vivado bug you're currently seeing with the existing version you're using. Would you mind of sharing some information on that?



answered 2 years ago
  • Prior to the re:post migration, I had a question titled "Cross Boundary Optimization Segfault". It was tracked there but I think it's been archived. 2022.1 has some synth_design switches that would let me avoid a segmentation fault in Vivado that is occurring on a subset of my designs.

  • I know you can't pin down an exact date, but if you could provide a ballpark estimate that would help. Perhaps within the next week? Next month?


Thank you so much for your patience. We released a branch REL_2022_1 on github at for 2022.1 version of xilinx tools. This branch fully supports the F1 flow; however please note the following known issues (also mentioned in Release notes): 1.) cl_uram example is currently not supported with 2022.1 version 2.) When loading a vitis design on an instance running HDK AFI/design, instance needs to be rebooted before loading the vitis design 3.) non-root access is unstable

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

answered 2 years ago

Thanks! I'm assuming this branch will be merged into master at some point with a "standard" release once the known issues are resolved?

answered 2 years ago

Dear customer

Thats correct. Once the known issues are resolved, the branch is targeted to merge to the main branch


answered 2 years ago

Just wanted to check in -- any word on this?

answered 2 years ago

Dear customer

Thank you so much for your interest in our 2022.1 support. However we currently do not have an ETA on this as we did not receive closure on some of the pending items mentioned previously. Please let us know if there are any features of 2022.1 that you primarily need for your development or if there is any other feature set/issues that you are blocked on.


answered 2 years ago

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