email abuse report for an email message to a friend's email


I started receiving this response when sending to a friend. The friend claims they did not hit "Spam" or "Junk" on my email so I don't understand why this is happening. I am sending via GMail using an authenticated SES SMTP. Email to all other users go through just fine.

This is an email abuse report for an email message with the message-id of <UUID> received from IP address <ip> on Mon, 05 Jun 23 00:01:55 UTC. This is the list of the complaint emails: <userid>

When I look at the Dashboard there are no Rejects and no Complaints.

Is there any way to revert the abuse report for a specific email address?

1 Answer

So, I found it under the "Suppression list" page. I could remove the email address that had a "complaint". It all works now.

But I have no idea how their email address got into the "Suppression list".

answered 2 years ago

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