Linux Instance No Longer Connecting


I just added 5GB of strage to my linux instance but cannot connect to it after rebooting. No resolutions have helped solve so far.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Would you be willing to share what steps you took to expand your storage?
I am assuming that you are increasing it using the procedures in the following document, but I do not believe that a reboot is necessary.

Even if it were an additional EBS volume, I did not think there would be any action to restart the system.

You can check the EC2 logs from the console by following the procedure in the following document.
Check this log for any errors?

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • I finally found out where I messed up. I accidentally messed up my /etc/fstab file. I do not know how to fix it without being able to connect to it.

  • Do you have EC2 snapshots? One way to do this would be to restore EC2 once a snapshot is available.

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