Unable to add IAM role to Amazon CodeCatalyst space


Hello everyone!

I've decided to explore CodeCatalyst and I'm following Amazon's official guide for deploying EKS at this link: [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecatalyst/latest/userguide/deploy-tut-eks.html]. However, I've encountered the following issue on the sixth step: I'm unable to add an IAM role to my Amazon CodeCatalyst space. When attempting to add it, I receive the error message 'The IAM role could not be added to your space, roleArn cannot be empty.' I also tried using the 'Create CodeCatalyst development administrator role in IAM' option, where the role was automatically created for me, but I still encountered the same error.


Has anyone else faced a similar problem and can assist me in resolving it?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hey Yalaman,

are you manually copy/pasting the role name into the field or are you selecting it out of the drop box?

What browser/version are you using? Did you try reloading the page without cache and tried again?

Regards Johannes

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answered a year ago
  • Hello Johannes,

    I selected roles from the drop-down list and used Google Chrome. Also today I tried to re-select the roles and it worked, although I didn’t change anything.

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