Athena version 3


Getting the following error in AWS Athena with version 3 engine. The same query works in version 2. The error is not very descriptive and we have a very large dataset. Without knowing what the exact error, it would be hard to narrow down the problem.

HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: Failed to read Parquet file: s3://vsgprovbwprod/year_p=2023/month_p=10/day_p=10/file.4.parquet This query ran against the "vsgprovbwprod" database, unless qualified by the query. Please post the error message on our forum or contact customer support with Query Id: 83e7f53a-2814-4b6f-a231-04bfa2b42e25

if i use a particular field in the where clause, i see this issue everytime. How do i find out what's the issue here. There was thread relating to timestamp handling in athena 3, i can confirm that the timestamps look ok.

asked a year ago319 views
1 Answer

While this issue gets resolved in engine 3, you can continue with engine 2. Please raise a support case with the error details and you will be informed when the updated engine is available.

answered a year ago

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